January 2024 Employee Spotlight - Kyrestaine Scully

Kyrestaine started with Momentum a little over two years ago and has been ab-so-lu-tely slaying it, and most recently has accepted a position as the Community Support Program Admin Assistant at our Bangor office.  Kyrestaines ability to multitask and amp up our program at Momentum has been exceptional.  She’s always willing to jump into events or projects and help where needed.

Congrats Kyrestaine! We wouldn’t be the same without you!

See what their Co-Workers have to say !

“ The morning isn't the same without Kyrestaines "Hay Hay," bringing a calm warm energy into the building each day. She has a way of connecting with each client whether it be through art and design, sign language, movies, animals, and much much more. Kyrestaine makes quick efficient decisions which help our team run smoothly.”

“ Kyrestaine is super!! A beautiful person inside and out I appreciate her helpful cheery attitude ❤️”

“ Say Hey-Hey for sister Kyrestaine Skully!!!  Such a fabulous and I mean FABULOUS artist who uses her fantastic imagination to produce some bomb!@# pieces!!!  She is beyond efficient in her approach to tasks and initiates dynamic projects/ideas which engage clients and inspire staff.  Her patient, warm personality lights up the room as she encourages everyone she encounters to share the light in which she walks with such style and grace.  We are tremendously blessed to have this talented teammate in Bangor! “

“ This is super exciting. Kyrstaine is wonderful- I love her professionalism, her big heart and her knowledge. She's patient, warm and very invested in her clients and Momentum as a whole. “

I enjoy working with Kyrestaine, she brings a vibrant and colorful flair to the Bangor office every day she works.  The art work she creates is stunning and she really works hard to help our Participants reach their highest potential. 

“Kyrestaine is a great asset to the Bangor office. We are lucky to have her here. She continues to bring so much energy and talent to program. “

“Kyrestaine always maintains a cool head and... goes above and beyond to be helpful!”

“I only work a few days a week at Momentum but when I started until this day Kyrestaine has always been someone that goes above and beyond to help people out..She cares about the clients and the staff. Kyrestaine is a team player and is always willing to step up and help.”

“Kyrestaine has a bubbly and energetic personality. She always has great energy and is a talented artist.”

“Kyrestaine is creative, conscientious, ultra positive, and kind.  Momentum is fortunate to have such a spectacular person to work alongside of.”

Get to know Kyrestaine!

How Long have you been with Momentum ?

“2 Years”

What do you like most about what we do here?

“ I love the different variety of activities and trips that constantly is happening”

What is your Favorite Momentum moment?

“I had a really fun time working in the Festival of Lights parade and being able to see the client’s face light up while being on the floats”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


What is one thing people don't know about you , that they would be surprised to find out?

“ I grew up having pet rats, and currently have two. I even trained a few in the past to do tricks such as spin, give kisses, and shake my finger.”

What show(s) are you currently Binge watching, or books you are reading?

“ I am currently in between shows, but I am a really nig fan of Haunting of Hill House and rewatch it pretty frequently.”

What is one thing on your bucket list ?

“ I would love to go skydiving. ”