November 2023 Employee Spotlight - Vicki Pratt

Vicki is the Lead Program Administrator in our Casco office. Usually the first one in, you can always find her lending a hand, putting out fires and giving those around her a good chuckle. Here is what her Co-workers have to say!

“Vicki is a Momentum-ite at heart! She is reliable, very thorough and is a great resource to all!”

“Vicki is such an amazing asset to Momentum, she always comes into work with a smile on her face, and a positive attitude. She is always willing to take on any tasks given to her, and we can always count on her for everything!!! Thank you Vicki, for all that you do here at Momentum! “

“Vicki is the glue that holds the community support program together, she is full of knowledge and always willing to share any information she may have, She comes in with a smile everyday and keeps us motivated! You rock Vicki, thank you for being you..”

“Vicki has laser beam focus on details that makes Casco Community Supports go around.  She's always appreciative, kind hearted, and is an exceptional listener!”

Get to know Vicki

We checked in with Vicki and here is what she had to say!

How Long have you been with Momentum ?

17 years

What do you like most about what we do here?

I love that if participants staff have ideas or big goals, we find a way to make them happen. I have had a lot of first times working at Momentum from flying on a plane to kayaking for the first time.

What is your Favorite Momentum moment?

I had a lot of favorite memories, but I think my favorite was when everyone finally came back from Covid. Just seeing everyone again and seeing how happy all the participants were to be back to see staff and their friends in person.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

reading minds!!! this would make my job so much easier if I knew what everyone was thinking.

What is one thing people don't know about you , that they would be surprised to find out?

That I was on a TV show when I was 5 years old. Romper Room this aired out of Portland Maine

What show(s) are you currently Binge watching, or books you are reading?

NCIS is one of my favorite Binge-watching shows.

What is one thing on your bucket list ?

Taking a trip to a beautiful island with my husband. Now if I could only get my husband Alan on a plane.